Friday 9 December 2016

Scientists shed light on the climate-changing desert dust fertilizing our oceans

Scientists shed light on the climate-changing desert dust fertilizing our oceans Leeds, UK (SPX) Dec 06, 2016 - The way in which man-made acids in the atmosphere interact with the dust that nourishes our oceans has been quantified by scientists for the first time. In the international study led by the University of Leeds, researchers have pinpointed how much phosphate "fertiliser" is released from dust depending on atmospheric acid levels. Phosphorus is an essential nutrient for all life, and when it fall ... more

Making spines from sea water Rehovot, Israel (SPX) Dec 06, 2016 - Some sea creatures cover themselves with hard shells and spines, while vertebrates build skeletons out of the same minerals. How do these animals get the calcium they need to build these strong mineral structures? Professors Lia Addadi and Steve Weiner of the Weizmann Institute of Science's Structural Biology Department asked this question about sea urchins, which need to extract quite a f ... more

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